
Hi, my name is Anton and I’m a Full Stack Web Developer. My fascination with computers began at a young age. Every computer I owned, I built for myself. But life happened. I was forced to get a job to earn an income to support myself. So I went to university, graduated with a degree in English and became an interpreter and then a teacher.

I travelled and taught all over the world. But I couldn’t repress the feeling of what it would be like to have followed my instinct to work with technology. After much thought, I decided to teach myself code, got a job with an IT company and have never looked back.

Since working in IT I have come across my fair share of poor quality websites. This has inspired me to start a business creating high-quality custom websites that align with your vision and brand. Hence, setting you apart from your competition.

My expertise in both front end and back end development means that I am a one stop business. I offer frontend services that include responsiveness and seo. But I can also help you with your website’s backend, for instance creating custom admin panels or integrating new frontends with the existing backend.

Working with me follows a process which includes:

  • Reading and analyzing your work brief
  • Creating a mockup
  • Building your website
So are you ready to take your business to the next step by improving your rankings, reducing bounce rates and increasing your revenue?

Contact me to get a quote

Anton's picture